An inexcusably long time has passed since my last post back in July. There is so much to catch up on I hardly know where to begin. Maybe the best place to start is with your first RAINBOW! We went to Colorado in July and had a beautiful summer vacation. It feels weird to write about it in the middle of December, but you are still talking about all the wondrous things you experienced in Crested Butte, CO. If we ask you about Colorado, you'll start talking about rainbows, mountains, horses, Megan and Baby Beckett, Duke and Shelby (Megan's dogs), Ruthie and Stevie, Clive and Jes, hiking, and butterflies. Megan's dogs in particular come up frequently in conversation.
So here is a post about our Colorado vacation as the first of many to get the Sadie Blog up to date.
You were so excited about seeing a rainbow on the very first night we were in Crested Butte. And ever since that moment, rainbows have been very important to you. Rainbows are rare in Southern California, but we saw one later this summer right over our house. We also draw lots of rainbows with you. You even had a rainbow themed birthday party (more on that in a later blog). All this from a beautiful evening rainbow in the mountains in Colorado. It was indeed impressive.
We stayed in a condo on the ski resort of Crested Butte and Ruthie, Stevie, Clive and Jes joined us. It was a nice holiday with the Briggs side of the family.
In Crested Butte we went for a lot of little hikes with you in the backpack. Here you are on the second day getting acquainted with Megan's dogs.
We also went to see Megan's horses. You liked the horses quite a bit, but did not want to sit on one even when you saw Baby Beckett having a good time up there. Mostly what you liked was marching around a place that was like nowhere you had ever been before. You looked pretty small in all that Colorado sky.
We celebrated my birthday in Colorado. During the day we went on a beautiful hike and then we went out for dinner. Megan made me a very interesting looking birthday cake. She got some teasing about the cake's appearance, but I was just happy that Crested Butte's busiest woman made me a cake from scratch! Thanks Megan!
We went on one last hike with Megan and her dogs and then it was time to go home.
You were really a pleasure to travel with. You liked the planes and airports, and you settled right in to our condo in Crested Butte. Best of all, you remembered so many details of the trip and wanted to talk about them for months after we got home.
Now, in the middle of December, we are planning another vacation to Colorado for Christmas. I'm looking forward to the trip!
Love, Mama
Very nice,brings back summer.