This post is a collection of photos from the last few months. It is a pretty good sampling of what our day-to-day lives are like and what we do together.
You love to play with your toys, go to the park, read books, play "Wild Baby" with Daddy, take bubble baths, play ball, have Lady Gaga dance parties, hug and kiss the cat, draw pictures, sing, and run laps through the kitchen and living room.
Your conversational skills continually astound and amuse us. You pick up figures of speech and try them out, sometimes accurately and sometimes not. You will say things like, "Hey. I've got a couple of questions." Or the other day you told me "Why you being so bossy, Mama?" When we suggest something you like, you respond with funny enthusiasm, "Oh I LOVE bananas!" "Oh I LOVE birthday parties!" "Oh this is SO fun!"
You love making food. We sit on the floor and mix up french toast, smoothies, PB&J, cold cereal, and tortilla pizzas. You don't always eat the food with as much enthusiasm as you put into the preparation. You would usually rather eat on the floor in the kitchen or the living room than sit confined in your highchair, so in the interest of getting you to eat substantial meals, we let you roam free.
The down side to letting you help in the kitchen is when you freak out when we dare to push the buttons on the microwave ourselves or make a PB&J without you standing on a chair wielding your own jelly spoon. You get very upset when you are left out of certain routines and we've learned it is much easier in the long run to take the slow, patient route and let you assist rather than try to calm you down when you have realized we stole a task from you.
You have your moments, of course, when you are grouchy, demanding, whiny, or otherwise incorrigible (you are two after all), but for the most part you are sweet and good natured. You still love to be held and carried. Although you are still shy of new people, you don't get as scared when people come over to the house.
Here is a video of you pretending to talk on the phone to Nana. You have picked up phone related phrases from me and you also march around while talking, just like I do. Pretty funny.
We get new books from the library every couple of weeks and read them every night before bed. After a week or so of reading the same books, you can amazingly recite word for word the text on the page. Here is a video of you "reading" a book about a baby owl to all of your dollies.
Love, Mama
best yet!
ReplyDeleteThanks...this is good. I don't feel so far away.........miss you today....