Your second Christmas was much more fun than your first. Last year you barely did anything besides sleep, eat, and poop. This year you are a real little person. You liked to play with the presents, carrying them around and climbing/standing on them, and you got into ripping the wrapping off for a little while until you lost interest. We opened presents for our little family first on Christmas morning and then we went over to Nana and Grandpa's after your nap.
You were just as excited about my presents as you were about yours. You unwrapped my new hairbrush for me.
You got a fuzzy liner for your BOB from Granddad and Ruthie.

My favorite gifts were some CDs your daddy made for us.
You think they are pretty funny too.
The cover art makes me laugh every time I look at them.

More gift opening.

Time for nap and rest up for more presents!
Love, Mama