Whew! The holidays are over and it's time to catch your blog up on all the fun we've been having.
First, Grandmama Ruthie, Grandpa Steve and their dog Thorley came for a visit. We had a nice few days with them going on walks and cooking food and watching you toddle. We made a spicy Cuban fish for Thanksgiving dinner and it turned out very good even though I forgot the plantains. The day after Thanksgiving we met up with my cousins, Randy, Barbara, Lindsey and Hannah Burton. It was really good to see them and we hope Lindsey has more soccer tournaments in San Diego.

I decided you needed a haircut. In your first year your hair grew into a very complicated arrangement, with some short curly bits on the back of your head, long and floppy parts on top, and a ring of very long hair around the bottom of your hairline. I decided to trim it into more of a bob shape to even things out. I knew that even with Ruthie working to distract you, I only had about 37 seconds to wield the scissors. It turned out a bit shorter on one side, but all in all, it looks pretty good.

First I cut off a lock to save in your baby book:

Then I got started:


We had a bath to get rid of all the itchy hair bits.

When it was all over you checked yourself out in the mirror and decided you liked it.

And then all too soon it was time for Grandpa and Ruthie to pack up the purple truck and drive back to Colorado. We miss them.

It was a very nice Thanksgiving weekend.
Love, Mama